The Clone Wars

LEGO Star Wars: General Grievous’ Wheel Bike 75040 REVIEW

LEGO Star Wars 2014 set. Read, leave a comment and keep it clean.


LEGO Star Wars: General Grievous’ Wheel Bike 75040
Set number 75040, $35 from Big W which works out to roughly $0.13 a brick.

Items Included:
261 pieces
2 mini figures
1 instruction booklet
3 numbered bags

Like all others, I’ll begin this review by mentioning the above short list. Not everyone cares, but for those that do, it can make a big difference.


LEGO Star Wars: Jedi Interceptor 75038 REVIEW

LEGO Star Wars 2014 set. Read, leave a comment and keep it clean.


LEGO Star Wars: Jedi Interceptor 75038
Set number 75038, $35 from Big W which works out to roughly $0.15 a brick.

Items Included:
223 pieces
2 mini figures
1 instruction booklet
3 numbered bags
Page of stickers

Like all others, I’ll begin this review by mentioning the above short list. Not everyone cares, but for those that do, it can make a big difference.


Clone Wars Fanfic Story Idea

I have been a big fan of Star Wars and its entire universe for as long as I can remember. When I first saw the prequel trilogy at the cinemas, my mind was blown. Finally, Jedi during their prime. Then by the time Episode II and III came along, I just knew the universe had so many stories to tell.

Unlike my previous Star Wars fanfic set during the Knights of the Old Republic era, this is only an outline set during the end of the Clone Wars. It was an idea I thought up, and really would have loved to flesh it out, but I was never happy with the ending…I knew the story needed to end a certain way, but wasn’t sure how.

Anyway, I hope you find something of interest here. Let me know.
